Wednesday, July 31, 2013

In My Kitchen

By Superedit (Own work) [CC-BY-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

My kitchen memoirs are free of any fancy footwork (notice my restraint in not spelling this with a "d".) Cutting onions to avoid any mishaps with serrated edges, peeling carrots to avoid scrapes on the hand provide all the excitement I can take in the small space. Well that and any bubbling pots. Hot liquids can splatter, as you no doubt know. 

By Author Laurence Housman Publisher Bodder and Sloughton [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Oh, yes, and the one potentially life-altering experience came when the oil caught fire before I added the pancake batter to its surface.
Advice-- stand back, turn off the gas, perhaps not in that order-- turn off the gas, stand back, and wait til it pipes down, watching carefully that nothing else becomes engulfed it its drama.

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